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Local #SEO 101: How to Do a Local SEO Audit in 30 Minutes Flat:-
The saying goes that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes. And if you’re in the SEO space, the third certainty is doing website audits. Whether you are talking to a prospect or onboarding a new client, a site audit is the first step towards any successful optimization campaign. Even if you’re a business owner, a site audit can help you determine the quality of your SEO service provider. Website audits help you uncover what’s wrong with a site and lay out (hopefully in a methodical way) what parts of a site need to be tackled first to bring in maximum returns. Obviously, something like meta data updates would come before engaging in any long-term link building outreach plans. Personally, I have performed more than 200 site audits, ranging from e-commerce sites to local businesses in the US, Canada, and Australia. .... Read More

What SEO Really Means
Integration is an important concept. SEO now brings together a host of different disciplines: search optimization tactics, social media marketing, local marketing, copywriting, conversion optimization, and content development. In other words, in order to rank well and compete in the digital world, entrepreneurs and businesses have to embrace a wider range of online marketing disciplines than ever before. Read More

How to Optimize Your Content for Google’s Rich Answer Box
You may have noticed that when searching for a term or asking a question on Google, you receive not only a list of search results, but also an informational box at the top of the page that displays a quick answer to your question or a description of your search term. This featured snippet is part of Google’s Rich Answer Box, which has been around a while, but is now becoming more prominent for quick answers, event listings, recipes, maps, and more. Read More

Google’s Next Penguin Update to Happen Within “Weeks”
This is the closest thing to a launch date we’ve heard out of the Google camp with respect to the next Penguin update. While reluctant to give an exact time frame, Illyes has at least given an estimate to hold over questioning webmasters and SEOs. Read More

Google Search Console testing new mobile usability report
Google is beta testing a new user interface for the mobile usability report within the Google Search Console. Conrad O’Connell posted screen shots of the new interface for the report on his blog. Here are those screen shots: Read more

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